Saturday, October 1, 2016

love in 3 levels

In love, there are 3 levels of love.
  • Level 1: all about me
  • Level 2: conditional love
  • Level 3: love without conditions (unconditionally)
Level 1:
When someone at level one, which he thinks is his own. He just wants what he wants alias spoiled and childish. It's all about me.
If someone is this level, he will impose his will to change to be like anyone he wants. Example sentences often thrown is: "how can i make  playgirl realize that she do something wrong ", "how to make a cool girl become not cool anymore", "how to make a silent girl to become talk as much", "how can i make a girl who hated being like".
At this level, someone will struggling desperately for the sake of changing others to be as he wants. He will find himself are patriot love, when he was patriot ego. Ego to change others.
Love is not about fighting to change the other person. Love is about total revenue be others.
When someone this level, he will feel a heavy burden and stress which is remarkable because his life would be full of struggle. He was tired but had to continue to fight "for the love of" truth without realizing it was for the sake of ego.
He will fight to change the person with any fake reason "can for the sake of love", and strive to maintain the love that he had got.
If he fails, he wanted to commit suicide because he felt his great struggle has been wasted.
If you ever feel that you are in level 1 in love.

Level 2:
At this level, a person will be more effective because he no longer impose its will too. But he will behave like a merchant. He'll give you love with the terms and contracts. "if you are faithful, i'm faithful". "if you're good, i'm good". "if you're cool, i'm too cool".
At this level, "the struggle of love" may not be too much longer because someone more amenable to other people but with the terms and conditions.
Here is the problem.
Someone who loves the condition will experience a lot of drama and politics, because love is about merchandise. A person will not be free and comfortable to be himself because it must conform with the terms and conditions of the others. Love is not so comfortable, but merely be a competition, a "game".
Both seem to love each other but seems hypocrite for not being themselves in order to maintain the terms and conditions.
That's why a lot going infidelity. Front looks sweet, behind the stress so take comfort that only obtained from mistresses.
Love is like a golden cage with the proviso that looked beautiful but imprisons the soul.
If you ever felt this way, you are at level 2 in love.

Level 3:
At this level, someone only care about love sincerely. He received a total of someone. If someone is loved with a love without condition, then the person will feel a relief. He will be free to be himself, good or bad, without masks, without bullshit. This is where the power of unconditional love.
If you love someone unconditionally, someone who receives your love will bebas be themselves and feel truly loved sincerely. That is where the beauty of love. Comfort therein resides. Therein end of the struggle of love and beginning of pleasure love.
"you can be yourself what it is, i can be myself what it is, and we accept each other and love each other."
That's enough.
Then if someone is not sincere then easily to tread and use-use?
Not like that.
Sincerely when you love someone and the person receiving it is, then you will not make sacrifices. You quite loved as much as you.
Which makes you hurt, feel like being tread and use-use is for you to do something outside limit the ability mu do you consider as sacrifice, so when the "sacrifice" of your unrequited, you feel cheated.
Love is not about sacrifice, for every sacrifice there is always a desire to ask reply. If you love, then you are sincere. To be sincere, then give according to limit the ability so that you do not feel a loss when it is not reciprocated.
When you sincerely, someone will appreciate your giving. If you sacrifice, someone will treat you so easy.
So what if they already loved sincerely but someone we love do not go to respond and seemed indifferent extraordinary?
If that's the case, then himself is received. If he's cool, you're pretty stepping away, instead of trying to turn it into a suitable one you desire.
Stepping away does not mean to stop loving, but you just loved her from afar.
Love has no limits, but there is a limit time. Therefore, use your time to people who respond you, than waste time trying to make people ignorant in order to respond to you.
After all, if you succeed in changing people ignorant so attentive, he would not care for too long. When tricks and "game" you found out, then he would go back cool. After all, love is about comfort. Is it comfortable to hold hypocritical for the sake of making someone ignorant so attention? .. Does it worth?
The most beautiful thing in this world is when you can be with people who love you are and you're free to be yourself what their time with them.
Her reality, not everyone will accept the way you are. Take your time only to seek and pass time with those who accept what you are. That is where the beauty of life. That is where the quality of happiness is.
A question that is often asked about the level 3 love is, "those who accept me as i am not a person who has a higher social status than me. I want a more rich, famous and beautiful to be able to accept me. How's that? "
Her answer is to develop your character in order to fit with them what you want, not by trying changing they were unfit. In other words, upgrade your character.
But one thing to note, enhancing the character not mean change yourself. Clothes can be changed, the appearance may change, the mind can be changed, insight can be changed, but who you really can not be changed.
Therefore, upgrade your character as you wish accordance so that you do not lose you the truth.

3 Levels Of Love

Friday, September 30, 2016

power of life and love with choice

"Life is a choice" is a cliche forgotten.
Choice is the power of basic differences between humans and other species. The other species is the slave of impulse instinct, where any impulse arises, it will being follow. While humans, have the power to choose between impulse and his common sense.
Unfortunately, we often forget about this power.
The word "must" is the enemy of choice.
  • I must have may love her!
  •  must kiss him
  • I have to do x!
  • I have, i have, i have ..

Every word must is a weakness.
Fox said so should choose, it will be:
  • I choose to be able to love her!
  • I choose to kiss him
  • I choose to do x!
  • I choose, choose, choose ..

Does not it sound better? ..
Does it sounds more powerful?
When someone says "should", she unconsciously already put a very heavy mental burden. That led her to feel heavy, stressed and overwhelmed. Even then made often force to be good will to himself and to others.
You can tau where people are many will cost of mind and where free spirits. You know from a distance just by looking at their body language and energy, without them first say anything to you.
You also will be automatically feel overwhelmed when near a person who a lot of mental burden, and auto feel relieved when located near the free spirit.
We are in-doctrine community to insist on and a "must have". It was a twit.
You must not do anything because all is a choice.
Yes, every choice there is a risk and its consequences, but at least you use your strength compared to other species like slaves impulse.
When you approach a woman with mental must, you'll get a different response when you approach a woman with mental choose. When you say "i have to get it", then you are not aware of the forces and manipulate situation. It is like an insurance agent or MLM (multi level marketing) filled with tricks to "trap" you in order to join so member.
Yes, you can just get her to the "necessity" you, but after that, you go back must maintain its love, and must be persuaded, and must follow every whim of her, and "necessity" her other, because if not, you will lose his.
Meanwhile, when you choose to approach it, then you do not have a mental burden for must get it .. You will seem more free and happy .. And that's where his attraction.
People who have many choices will be much more interesting than the multitude of regulations and necessity.
Starting today, saying "i choose to approach it" .. Then when the woman you approached to act arrogantly, saying "i choose to leave him".
"what? Its not approach a woman if we must get her? "
Your life is not have to get a woman,
Your life is not have to get rich,
Your life is not a person must be seen,
Your life is not a must famous,
Your life is about happiness.
You trying to get the woman, trying to become rich, famous strive, strive seen people, bottom line is because you want happy.
The saddest thing is that you spend your whole life to the pursuit of women, become rich, and those deemed to be famous, but does not go happy you.
It was like to work and serve indefinitely without pay.
Salary real, return of your actual effort is happiness.
So why fight for something that does not make you happy? Something that has no meaning.
When you choose to approach a woman and the woman instead arrogant, choose to go and approach the more respect you. You do not have to prove yourself.
When you choose a job but did not enjoy it, choose to stop work and choose a better job you can enjoy.
"and what if you can’t meets girl again?" or "so what if you can't work again?"
Do not worry!
Just do it!
You are smart enough to be able to resolve all your problems if you do not panic, calm and able to think clearly.
One of the challenges when you use the power of choice is coming from those who still have the mindset of "must". They will assess you as a person who "quitter" because for them, you have to be act like them.

Leave it alone.
Paradox her, when you use the power to choose and liberate your soul from a variety of must, then you will be more flexible and dynamic. Instead you will be more successful than those who are full of must.
You will find the strength and unique advantages and is suitable for yourself. You will write your own rules, and change it whenever you want and need.
All is a choice.
When all is a choice, you will learn to correctly without should choose impose himself with the mental burden. You will walk with freedom of spirit and the success that you define yourself by your choice.
All is a choice, including where you should not believe everything i write.

The Forgotten Power

Thursday, September 29, 2016

eyes of focus
People who are powerful have the ability to see eye to eye. People who minder (no confidence) difficult to see eye to eye.
Simple her, if you are (or want to be) powerful people, you should be able to see eye to eye.
Seeing someone's eyes is to look directly soul her and cut a wide variety of such bullshit. Others may feel the power that comes out of you when you look from eye to eye.
Gaze into the eyes of the normal range is between 1-2 seconds. Gaze into the eyes of powerful ranged between 4-5 seconds accompanied by a flat face (flat face), or a half-smile (half smile / smirk). If you are confused as to what it was flat face and half smile / smirk, just search in google images: flat face and half smile / smirk.
When you're chatting with friends both men and women, make it a habit to look into their eyes for 4-5 seconds, or 1-2 seconds longer than usual. It will make you familiar with the gaze into the eyes of powerful.

No matter if the initial moments you feel weird or awkward. All is a process. Just do it to get used to. After all, this is just a simple thing. Simple but powerful.

Eye To Eye

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fail Drums show

Life is duality, where there are always two sides, the opposite of any kind.
Day and night.
Success, failure.
Man woman.
Happy, sad.
Dark light.
Inside out.
The old adage says "always spinning wheel of life, sometimes above, sometimes below."
If you encounter a bad experience, either upset, or left lovers, or business failure or any, be careful to interpret the experience.
If you left a lover, you most likely will interpret it with "my bad and ga have hope again". Meaning if you give it, then you will not have hope again.
But if you interpret positive such as "lost old, come new", then it will become a reality.
Unfortunately, no matter how positive or negative you, wheel of life keep spinning.
If you sad, be prepared for happy.
If you happy, be prepared to be sad.
It has already become the law of nature.
All a matter of time and the meaning that you provide.
Even if your entire life you happy, but in the end you will be off and all sad.
Wheel of life continues to spin.
Therefore, the positive side, believe and prove if you had a bad experience barrage, then wonderful experience coming soon will also insistently.
Do not interpret your bad experience with "forever will be bad". It is not naturally.
Prepare your bad happy any condition.
At least that's what you can do and trust if your mind were deadlocked and did not give way.
Prove there is a sadness every happiness was hidden, and every happiness there is sadness hidden.
Whatever happens, we humans can only be grateful, we humans can only enjoy.
Whatever happens, there is always the opposite that would come later.


The Meaning of Bad Experience